多謝參與渣打企業夥伴理財計劃 / 企業員工銀行計劃 /「亞洲萬里通」定期存款優惠,請輸入以下資料以登記選擇「亞洲萬里通」里數為獎賞。
Thank you for participating in the Standard Chartered Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program / Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards. Please fill in the details below for choosing Asia Miles as rewards.
Does client join the Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards?
有 Yes 沒有 No
Client’s valid Asia Miles membership number

(Please input the 10-digit Asia Miles membership number)
Client’s valid Asia Miles membership English Name
Last name (e.g. Chan)
First name (e.g. Tai Ming)
Client’s contact telephone

(Please input the 8-digit telephone number)
The above information provided are only applicable for miles crediting and related registration follow up arrangement. If you wish to update your personal information with Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"), please visit any of our branches.
Notice for Asia Miles Rewards Registration Form:
1. 用於領取里數之有效「亞洲萬里通」會員賬戶必須由相關港幣存款戶口持有人持有,而該客戶須符合相關推廣優惠之要求,本行不接受非相關港幣存款戶口持有人持有之「亞洲萬里通」會員賬戶。
Valid Asia Miles membership account must be held by the account holder of the relevant HKD deposit account and such account holder must fulfilled corresponding Promotion requirements. We do not accept non-account holders’ Asia Miles membership accounts for miles crediting.
2. 閣下為企業夥伴理財計劃/企業員工銀行計劃及/或「亞洲萬里通」定期存款優惠之「亞洲萬里通」里數獎賞登記將同時適用於企業夥伴理財計劃/企業員工銀行計劃及「優先理財」推廣及「Premium理財」推廣及「亞洲萬里通」定期存款優惠及外匯買賣服務優惠。企業夥伴理財計劃/企業員工銀行計劃不可與「出糧升級組合」推廣同時享用。閣下完成此登記以「亞洲萬里通」里數作為優惠獎賞方式後,若閣下同時獲享企業夥伴理財計劃/企業員工銀行計劃及/或「優先理財」推廣或「Premium理財」推廣及/或「亞洲萬里通」定期存款優惠及/或外匯買賣服務優惠之優惠,則此登記將同時被視作閣下選擇以「亞洲萬里通」里數作為於該相關推廣獎賞方式。若閣下在優惠期內完成相關條件,本行將以「亞洲萬里通」里數方式贈予閣下。企業夥伴理財計劃/企業員工銀行計劃及「優先理財」及「Premium理財」推廣及「亞洲萬里通」定期存款優惠及外匯買賣服務優惠須受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請聯絡本行職員查詢。
Your Asia Miles Rewards registration for Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program and/or Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards is also applicable to Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program and Priority Banking promotion and Premium programme and Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards and Foreign Exchange Trading Service Offer. Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program cannot be enjoyed in conjunction with Salary BonusPack promotion. Please note that once you have registered for Asia Miles Rewards herein, you will be regarded as having chosen Asia Miles as your rewards if you are entitled to any under the Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program and/or Priority Banking promotion or Premium programme promotions and/or Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards and/or Foreign Exchange Trading Service Offer. The Bank will offer the relevant rewards in form of Asia Miles if you fulfilled the relevant requirements during the promotion period. Terms and Conditions apply for Corporate Partners Program / Employee Banking Program and Priority Banking promotion and Premium programme promotion and Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards and Foreign Exchange Trading Service Offer. Please contact branch staff for details.
3. 成功登記後將不能取消。本行將會於2017年8月或11月,轉交相關資料(包括合資格客戶所登記之「亞洲萬里通」會籍號碼及英文全名及所獲享之里數,如適用)予「亞洲萬里通」。
Successful registration cannot be cancelled. The Bank will forward the relevant information, including valid Asia Miles membership number and English full name of the Eligible Client, as well as the entitled amount of miles, if any, to Asia Miles by August or November 2017.
4. 如所填寫之資料錯誤或不足,登記將自動取消,恕不另行通知。
In case of incorrect or insufficient information submitted for the registration, the miles crediting will be forfeited without notification.
5. 須受「亞洲萬里通」之條款及細則約束,進一步詳情請瀏覽www.asiamiles.com。
Asia Miles Terms and Conditions apply, please visit www.asiamiles.com for further details.

Notice for Asia Miles Time Deposit Rewards:
1. 合資格客戶須於2017年1月1日至2017年6月30日期間內開立並存入「新資金」設立港元及/或人民幣及/或美元及/或紐元及/或澳元及/或英鎊0.01%厘年利率定期存款,及在定期戶口開立後兩個星期內於指定渣打網頁成功提交「亞洲萬里通」有關資料。「亞洲萬里通」里數會於2017年8月或11月後之4-6星期內直接存入合資格客戶的「亞洲萬里通」賬戶。
Eligible clients must successfully set up HKD and /or RMB and / or USD and /or NZD and /or AUD and /or GBP Time Deposits at 0.01% p.a. interest rate with incremental new funds and successfully submit accurate Asia Miles membership information via online registration form on designated Standard Chartered webpage within 2 weeks after the setup of the Time Deposits during 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017. Relevant Asia Miles will be credited directly to the eligible client’s Asia Miles membership account within 4-6 weeks after August or November 2017.
2. 用於領取里數之有效「亞洲萬里通」會員賬戶必須由新開立之定期存款戶口持有人持有,本行不接受非新開立定期存款戶口持有人持有之「亞洲萬里通」會員賬戶。
Valid Asia Miles membership account must be held by the account holder of the newly setup time deposit. We do not accept non-account holders’ Asia Miles membership accounts for miles crediting.
3. 有關往來/支票/儲蓄戶口和定期存款戶口的重要提示及到期前提取定期存款的罰款之條款細則亦適用於此優惠。
Relevant terms and conditions specified in Current/Cheque/Savings Account and Time Deposit Account Terms and Deposit Confirmation apply to Time deposits early uplift penalty.
I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this Employee Banking Program.
Please check that the above information is correct. You will be directed to a confirmation page once you click the “Submit” button.
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